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Devoted Things Blog

Natural SPF Beauty Oil - Protecting Your Skin and Marine Wildlife

Posted by Jasmine M. on

Natural SPF Beauty Oil - Protecting Your Skin and Marine Wildlife

Sunscreen is one of the most important parts of a skincare routine. Whether you’re looking for sunscreen for acne prone skin, or even sunscreen for babies, it’s important to know how to choose an effective, and safe sun-protectant. 


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Tutorial for the Natural SPF 50 Beauty Oil

Posted by Jasmine M. on

Tutorial for the Natural SPF 50 Beauty Oil

This SPF oil works to deeply moisturize the skin, and protect you from the sun, without clogging your pores. For optimal skin health and longevity, you can use this sunscreen every morning, as the final step of your skincare routine. 

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5 Steps to Skin Success- How to Heal Acne At Home

Posted by Jasmine M. on

5 Steps to Skin Success- How to Heal Acne At Home

I can say from experience that making some dietary changes, and adopting this skincare routine, has transformed my skin in a way I never would have imagined was possible. Read and try out my personal experience blog using the Overnight Pimple Treatment Remedy, and making healthy decisions!

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Tutorial for the Overnight Pimple Remedy

Posted by Leah Scott on

Tutorial for the Overnight Pimple Remedy

Before you go to bed, thoroughly cleanse your skin. If you are using a toner, then tone your skin, and wait for the toner to dry, before applying this product. The rest of the steps are so easy! Read on for illustrated instructions!

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The Dangers of Chemical Skin Bleaching—How to Avoid Chemicals and Even Your Skin Tone Naturally

Posted by Jasmine M. on

The Dangers of Chemical Skin Bleaching—How to Avoid Chemicals and Even Your Skin Tone Naturally

The dangers of using Skin Bleaching Cream and Skin Bleaching Soap! Learn why you should not use chemical skin bleaching products, and why chemical skin bleach ingredients are dangerous! Learn about natural skin lightening and skin toning alternatives. Use natural skin bleach at home because it works great to use natural skin bleach for acne scars or hyper-pigmentation spots. 

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