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Natural Injection Lip Plumping Gloss Extreme Rebuilding Lip Plumper That Works Clear Color

  • $ 4799

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Natural Injection Lip Plumping Gloss

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Our lips are the first sign of aging on the face- it's not our eyes! Get the plumpest lips you've ever had- naturally- with this extremely fast-working intense lip plumper serum!

This 100% natural serum sinks deeply into all 7 layers of the skin (only one rare ingredient can do that)! It micro-delivers beneficial nutrients into deep-tissues on a cellular level, effectively boosting the body's own collagen production from the inside! This lip rebuilding treatment promotes rapid new cell production on the inside AND outside of the lips! An added benefit of new cell production is self-exfoliating lips, much like the lips that children have- always plump, soft, and never chapped! This natural product is revolutionary, and replaces lip injections- naturally! It's even safe to use on wrinkles around the mouth- on the smile lines, chin, neck, or other lower-face areas- that have lost their natural underlying collagen! No more injections in those zones!

1. NON-COMEDOGENIC. This product won't clog your pores. I cannot say the same for other plumping glosses I've tried!
2. NOT STICKY. This product doesn't go on thick, or feel like stickiness when your lips touch. It's not hard to remove. It's like butter!
3. AFFECTS LIPS. The lips actually change. This is not some temporary affect that goes away after 1-2 hours like many lip plumpers and devices/tools. This rebuilds the lip's natural collagen stores, and gives the actual bare lips a complete revamp make-over!
4. NO GLITTER. Some people get irritated skin, or clogged pores from glitter/shimmer lipglosses. This has niether!
5. EXFOLIATES. Includes a super-gentle acid that exfoliates the lips for you, so you don't need to do a weekly scrub for your lips anymore! No dead skin will hang onto your lips- ever! Have flawless bare lips, without chapstick/gloss! Other lip plumpers won't exfoliate the lips like my amazing All-in-1 product!
6. CLEAR. There's no color when this is applied to your lips. You can guage when it's improving your natural lip color! This can be used as a pre-lipstick primer, and won't compete with the color of lipstick/gloss applied over it!
7. NO INJECTIONS. This is safer than lip injections! I used to get lip injections myself, because my lip area was aging, and it distressed me! I can testify that this lip plumper product has spared me the needle, and I even use it on my smile lines! I'm sorry that I had not discovered this concoction sooner than I did! If you knew what was inside those injections, you'd be running to this natural alternative! Here it is! The only one of it's kind!
8. NO BURN. Many natural and non-natural lip plumpers add essential oils- like cinnamon, wintergreen, or peppermint. Any essential oil in high concentrations can cause an allergic reaction of rash, unattractively inflamed red skin beyond the lip region, uneven lip puffiness, scaling and peeling, white pale burned patches, chapping, or uncomfortable prolonged intense stinging. Essential oils should be avoided by pregnant women and sometimes children. I tested those acclaimed essential oils on my lips and found no noticable plumping effect, but I did get redness crawling unevenly beyond my lips, and prolonged stinging. I chose to not include essential oils after they all failed my "plumping tests". By the way, my product is safe for all people!
9. MOISTURIZES. Personal testimony: After using this product as a night-only treatment for 2 days, I realized I no longer needed chapstick on my bare lips during the daytime! No need to carry chapstick anymore! This saves you money on moisturizing products, and is great for anyone with chronic chapped lips! Fully moisturizes- do other lip plumpers that coat your lips- deeply moisturize into the next day?
10. NO FRAGRANCE. No artificial fragrances are added to this (perfume alcohols actually create chapping/drying of lips, too). This mild natural fragrance has a lovely slight butter smell. Great for those allergic to, or irritated by artificial perfumes!

WARNING: Not for use around eyes. I offer an amazingly fast-working natural anti-wrinkle product specially formulated for treating puffy eye bags, crow's feet, and wrinkled eyelids!

*This product is in these 3 DISCOUNTED NATURAL KITS (kits are a generous 25%+ savings):
-Natural Skin Care Kit Anti Aging For Wrinkles Anti Wrinkle Complete Set of 6
-Beautiful Without Makeup Natural Skin Care Kit For Facial Features Enhancement Basic Set of 7
-Deluxe Beautiful Without Makeup Natural Grooming Kit For Facial Features Enhancement Set of 10

Prices subject to change with inflation (so stock up now)!
This natural product's statements and this product have not been evaluated by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), and are not intended to treat, cure, or diagnose disease.
This was my testimony pictures using this product. Individual results may vary.

1/4oz, or 7.5ml. Clear BPA-free plastic vial with shiny silver screw-on cap. The wand within ends with a small, fuzzy, pointed-tip applicator.

AEA Certified Odorless Grade A Fully Refined 100% Pure Emu Oil, Alchemilla Vulgaris Glycerin Tincture, Zingiber Officinale Glycerin Tincture, Capsicum Minimum Glycerin Tincture, Highest Concentrate Lactic Acid 85%.

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